
CEO Statement

One of the greatest mysteries surrounding the sub-Saharan African nations is the wealth and natural resources reserves, yet such resources have so little effect on its people’s quality of life over so many centuries.

We aim to be part of the active Diaspora whose credo is to return home and domesticate its know-how acquired internationally for the benefit of its continent. This supposes breaking courageously with our little virtual comfort and return to invest in professions such as the engineering of the mastery of metals and fluids which would promote the industrialization of our economies which have remained for a very long time a simple reservoirs of raw material resources for the others. Also, put a point of honor on the importance of the maritime domain in the continent because whoever holds the maritime holds the keystone of economic success through global trade!

This commitment of course requires a solid mindset, accountability, and an implacable discipline towards all stakeholders namely: our employees, our partners, and our customers. Thus, our mission is to provide high-quality service and operational effectiveness in line with the quality-price ratio for the absolute satisfaction of our customers.

This new paradigm gives Africa many opportunities to build upon its resources and bargain power by gripping the Belt and Silk Road opportunity launched by China, to reinvent itself and redefine its position within other developed Nations.

Jean Paul Wafo

Chief Executive Officer